Image Generator Product Family

It is a unique and national product consisting of nine sub-systems, which are shown in the figure below and whose capabilities and features are explained in the sections, working integrated with each other to prepare and display virtual environments for simulation and simulator systems in a faster and easier way. With this product family, it is possible to manage large area data, high performance display and simulation management. These products have been used and continue to be used in various simulation, simulator, platform and system application projects since 2009. SimBT image generator has high drawing speed with low CPU and memory usage.

3D Image Generator (SimRealize)

SimRealize is our CIGI 3.3 compliant original and national image generator that allows you to create virtual environments from the simplest to the most complex, and quickly develop your simulation/simulator systems. SimRealize offers very realistic and high quality 3D graphics and sound infrastructure, even with low-cost PCs and graphics cards. SimRealize has high drawing speed with low CPU and memory usage. (average 60fps on PC)

3D Image Database Generator

SimEdit is a visual database preparation product that answers your most basic and most complex 3D virtual environment preparation needs. With this product, you can easily create any 3D content, digital terrain (including land, underwater and above) and 3D visual database with mouse interaction; You can prepare your simulations and simulators by transferring the data to our image generator SimRealize.

Simulation & GIS Development Component (SimWorld)


SimWorld is an infrastructure library and application development interface (API) component with over 1.5 million lines of code. This component; geographic information system, generic map production, tactical symbology and graphics compatible with military standards, astronomy and meteorology calculations, detection algorithms and artificial intelligence engine, scenario preparation and running, scenario run recording and replay, 2D map and 3D environment display and holographic imaging sub It is a component with structures.

Virtual Environment Development System

SANOR is a simulation development system with scenario preparation, scenario running, harness recording and replay, reporting and software add-ons and customization infrastructures developed using SimWorld API.

GIS Database Creator (SimTerrain)

SimTerrain is an original and national product developed with SimEdit, our visual database producer, to prepare the field data required for the preparation of 3D virtual environments, with the support of SimWorld. With SimTerrain, you can load data in different map formats and integrate these data to create a single geographic information system database. By transferring this integrated data to the visual database preparation tool SimEdit, you can easily manipulate natural and artificial objects such as vegetation, buildings, bridges, roads.

GPS Database Generator (SimVideo)

SimVideo is our product developed to play the 3D virtual environment developed using GPS integrated video camera footage synchronously and simultaneously with each other in terms of camera position and orientation. While the displayed video frames are projected onto the screen, the position and orientation information mapped to the image is transferred to our visual database producer SimEdit in parallel, allowing the virtual environment to be displayed in the same position and orientation on the side screen, so that the details seen can be realistically processed into the virtual environment to be modeled.

3D Generic Map Generation Software (GenMap)

GenMap is our original and national product that responds to your needs for creating 3D generic maps and environments in a fast, easy and realistic way. GenMap enables the design and production of generic (procedural) terrain and sea maps that are unique in the real world (without real/hidden maps) that will constitute map data for your modeling and simulation applications for training, analysis and supply purposes.

Model Library Creation Tool (SimModel)

SimModel is the model library required in our simulation and simulator systems. This library includes over 2,250 land, air, surface and below ground models.